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DUI/DWI Defense

Boise dui defense attorney


McKinnie Law Office provides help in DUI and DWI cases in Boise, Idaho. If you are looking for a DUI lawyer in Boise, Idaho, then contact the team of Jeffrey McKinnie today. We are dedicated to representing those accused of driving under the influence to the fullest extent of Idaho law.

Driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) is the act of driving a motor vehicle with blood levels of alcohol in excess of a legal limit. Driving while intoxicated is a crime in Boise, Idaho and across the United States of America. If you have been convicted of a DUI or DWI in Boise, Idaho, it’s time to get legal help. McKinnie Law Office provides help to those convicted of DUI and DWI in Boise, Idaho.
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If you or a family member is facing DUI or DWI charges in Boise, Idaho, then it’s time to consult a legal expert.

Although there are many different situations in which a person can be convicted of a DUI, there is only one reasonable decision a convict can make after the fact, which is to find a DUI attorney in Boise, Idaho. Hefty fines, jail time, and loss of driving privileges are all a possibility for those who have been convicted of a DUI in Idaho. In extreme cases, a convict can even be sentenced to time in prison for a DUI. Things become worse and worse if the convict has a criminal history or has been charged with drug or alcohol related crimes in the past.

McKinnie Law Office recommends contacting a local Boise DUI attorney as soon as possible after a DUI or DWI ticket has been issued. Working together, McKinnie Law Office can help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an Idaho criminal defendant. Jeffrey McKinnie is an experienced DUI and DWI attorney in Boise, Idaho. With a proven track record of excellence, Jeffrey McKinnie is dedicated to upholding Idaho law with absolute integrity and authority.  There is no reason to attend your DUI or DWI court date unprepared. A simple consultation with McKinnie Law Office could make a substantial difference in the outcome of your conviction and the punishment you may receive. 


Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.